What are smithereens? And how do you blow someone to them?

What a lovely few days of snow. It's such a shame I was overloaded with coursework and could only enjoy an hour of it one evening. I felt like Scrooge. Staying in whilst my friends went outside to make snowmen. Bah, humbug! Pirate FM played a feature called "10 Best Snow Songs". Ergh. Pirate FM = Squeezy Cheese.
I was rather silly and I left myself a little too much to do days before the hand in date (Wednesday) so the night before I worked instead of going to bed. In the morning the college bus was uncharacteristically on time and therefore I missed it by what must have been 30 seconds - despite having been up since the day before. My mother kindly gave me a lift to Truro so I could hand in my project in. On the way up I decided that I'd come straight home and go to bed because I was feeling rather ill. I got to college and took my project to the art room where Tristan casually mentioned that there was an extension because of the snow. Despite my evil conscience flipping out in my head, effing and blinding, I managed to keep my cool. I walked back to the car, went home and went straight to bed.
However I did have a moment at college that day where I thought I was going to be mugged. I was walking back to the car with what must have been a mixture of puzzlement, disillusion, angst and frustration on my face when I sauntered past the 88 bus stop. At the bus stop was a person who looked like he could only have been taking a qualification in yobbery. He looked in my eyes as I approached and I just knew he was going to say something. He grunted "That coat looks cosy." For a moment I was convince the next words to come out of his mouth were going to be "I want it."
Now if he did ask for it there was no way I was going to part with my grandfathers sheepskin coat without using every ounce of my strength to keep it on my body. So after he told me that it looked cosy I smiled at him politely, said "Thank you. It is." and went on my way. Then when my back was turned he threw a snowball at me! The bastard! Thank God it missed. It made a very loud ringing 'pang' when it hit one of the walkway pillars. Twat. Twat. Twat.