Friday, 12 December 2008

It gets hard, thinking of original titles for blogs...

Thank God it's the weekend. I could almost feel myself reaching for that burgundy velvet padded draw with the family revolver in it, whilst I drank the last of my great-grandfathers whiskey.
I've been thinking about my fancy dress outfit for New Years Eve. First I was thinking Heath Ledgers Joker, but then I realised how much of a lame idea that was because everyone will be doing that. Then I thought of going as a mime artist, in the style of Marcel Marceau. I could wear a Breton striped top, face paint, a beret. I think I may go as that because its quite nice and it makes me think of France.

I've been gazing at images of Paris a lot this evening. God, I just want to go there now. I just think about it and my thoughts melt into this relaxing romantic feeling where even though the air is crisp and cold, thick long coats and the heat of that one special person just radiates and keeps you warm. All the senses are heightened to the beauty that surrounds you. The knowledge that you are completely happy with yourself and the people around you. I can't wait for that day, if it comes.

I've got myself in a lovely mood for bedfordshire now. And the fact it's a friday evening means a long, uninterrupted slumber. Horrah for me.

Night night. x

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